Our selection has grown tremendously since those early days and now includes Central Vacuums through our sister company, Central Vacuum Experts.
We are known throughout the Triangle for our clean, well-lit store and great customer service delivered by our very knowledgeable and friendly employees. This is what sets us apart from our competition and is sought after in this impersonal online environment.
Essentials for Clean Living®
Vacuum Cleaner Hospital is a very active part of our community through various donations to charitable organizations. The owner, Tom Proctor, served on the executive boards for Chapel Hill Chamber and Home Builders of Durham, Orange and Chatham for over 5 years each.
He is currently serving as the small business member on the Orange County Economic Development Commssion and Government Affairs committee of the Chapel Hill Chamber. He was previously a long-time member of the national Board of Directors of the Vacuum and Sewing Association.

Original location. 1986-1990.